Towards a new research model in legal translation: future perspectives in the era of asymmetry


  • Maria Carmen África Vidal Claramonte University of Salamanca



legal translation, poststructuralism, asymmetry, Foucault, Derrida, Lyotard, crisis of representation


The global society we live in leads to clashes and asymmetry between cultures. In this context, translation and legal studies play a fundamental but also very sensitive role. The old concepts of the Enlightenment, Reason, universalism, objectivity or the universal no longer serve any purpose either in the field of translation or in that of law. This paper proposes a research model based on post-structuralist concepts such as those of “differend”, “representation” or “aporia”. This model can help us conceive new ways of translating legal texts in the future that are more in line with the asymmetrical problems of our contemporary society.

Author Biography

Maria Carmen África Vidal Claramonte, University of Salamanca

Professor of Translations Studies, Departamento de Traducción, Universidad de Salamanca


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How to Cite

Vidal Claramonte, M. C. África. (2013). Towards a new research model in legal translation: future perspectives in the era of asymmetry. Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies, 12.